John A. Gupton College - Nashville, TN

Tuition & Fees

College Expenses Itemized

Tuition per semester hour (includes fees)
Audit tuition per semester hour
Withdrawal fee per course/Withdrawal from enrollment
TN student apprenticeship application fee
National Board Exam- Arts (Graduation Fee)
National Board Exam-Science (Graduation Fee)
Transfer Challenge Exam
Technology and Exam Fee per semester
Transcript Fee
Funeral Home Inspection Fee

Estimated Cost Per Semester

Tuition (16 semester hours) $6,015.00
Books $400.00

Payment Of Fees

Total charges for the semester are due at the time of registration. All fees are
due on the date of registration. When necessary, a payment plan for
tuition may be arranged. There will be a service charge of 1½% of the unpaid
balance charged on the last day of the month. All accounts for the semester must
be paid in full prior to the student taking final examinations.
John A. Gupton College reserves the right to withhold the diploma, transcripts
and or semester grade report, from students with delinquent accounts.


The following schedule applies to students who withdraw or are dropped from the institution:

  1. Fees are not refundable.
  2. Tuition paid or charged for the semester will be refunded as follows:
    • 80% refund for withdrawals within the first 14 calendar days.
    • 40% refund for withdrawals within the second 14 calendar days.
    • Students withdrawing after the first 28 calendar days receive no refund.
  3. All withdrawals from the College must be made in writing and submitted to the registrar. Refunds will be adjusted according to the date upon which notification is received by the Institution.


If a course is dropped prior to the last three weeks of a semester, a grade of (W) is recorded. Failure to notify the registrar in writing will result in an (F) for the course.

Auditing Classes

Students may register to audit a course with the approval of the Registrar.
Fees for audits are $200.00 per semester hour.


The College reserves the right to request withdrawal of any student failing to meet his or her obligations because of unsatisfactory grades, inefficiency, ill health, misconduct or other reasons conflicting with the standards and purpose of the College.

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