John A. Gupton - Founded in 1946 – Nashville, Tennessee

John A. Gupton College - Nashville, TN


Academic Guidelines

Students of John A. Gupton College are expected to be honest in relationships with students and
professors alike. Cheating or dishonesty in any form is considered unethical and unprofessional and
will not be tolerated. Read more…


A list of the course offerings for the Associate of Arts Degree in Funeral Service and the Funeral Director Certificate.

College Catalog

John A. Gupton College offers programs leading to the Associate of Arts Degree in Funeral Service (16 months) or a Funeral Director Certificate (8 or 12 months).

Course Descriptions

A description and number of credit hours for each course offered at John A. Gupton College.

Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar serves as an information source and planning document for students, faculty, and staff as well as outside organizations. The calendar includes registration dates, class start dates, add/drop deadlines, exam dates, and more.

Continuing Education

The Continuing Education program is designed to meet the requirements needed for state training licensure hours and to educate the practitioner with information that they can take back and actually use.

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